Monday 20 June 2011

Gerbil Cage Ideas

Gerbil Cage Ideas
There are several options which you can use to decide on how to build a gerbil cage or the kind of cage you would use for your pet. One of the most popular options is the glass aquarium. They are cheap compared to other gerbil cages and are easy to clean. Moreover, you can observe their activities clearly and pleasurably, and most importantly, your pet won't be able to chew the cage as chewing would injure it

The gerbil does not escape or get its tail or foot get caught in spaces between the bars. The most recommended space between bars is ½ inch. 

The second option which you can use is of a wire cage. Wire cages are an excellent option if you want to connect cages ,construct multiple cage units. On downside, there is a possibility that your pet may make area around cage messy. 

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